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[Registration has been closed]
There is no charge for registration but you must register to participate.​
Please follow the [
template] to prepare your abstract.

To register, please click the button below.

The registration system uses Google Forms.
You need to log in to your Google account to register, but the administrator does not collect your Google account email address, only the email address you enter in the form fields. It will be used for all future correspondence.
If you have any problems accessing the system or are concerned about your personal information to Google, please contact us via
 contact form with the following information.

1. First/Middle/Last name

2. Institution and department

3. Address/Zip code of your institution

4. Country

5. Do you want to participate in the lecture series for young researchers?

6. Do you want to include your email address in the participant list in the abstract book to facilitate better discussion? The abstract book will be open to participants only. Yes/No

7. Presentation Oral/Poster/None

8. Are you a student or a young researcher who is less than 5 years after Ph.D. acquisition?Those who answer "Yes" will be considered for the oral or poster presentation award. Yes/No

9. In order to participate in the 12th IPCHS, you must agree to prohibit the video recording of the meeting, including research presentations, and the distribution of any information or data obtained at this meeting. Yes/No

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